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reference point 控制點;衡量的標準。

reference pressure

Geodetic surveying : establishment and maintenance of horizontal and vertical reference point 大地測量:設立及維修水平及垂直參考點

Absolutely ! cite specific examples using your current job as a reference point 當然是!給出明確的例子,以你目前的工作作為參考。

Specifies whether an object or text is aligned to the left or right of a reference point 指定對象或文本與參考點左對還是右對。

Question 5 : can you provide us with the elevation of reference points of surrounding roads 能否提供用地周邊道路控制點標高?

Reference point allowance 參考薪點

Seating reference point 座椅基準點

Reference points may be implicit , assuming the users have common understanding 參考數據可能是隱含的?假設數據使用者已有共識

“ some visual reference points ( bridges and buildings ) and a new landclass of the city 一些可見的參照物和這座城市的新地標“

The position of other demonstrative ' s reference points in information transfer processes 旁指參照點的先后在信息傳遞中的作用

Secondary reference point 第二類參考點

Tide pole reference point 驗潮桿基準點

The discussion of electric potential reference point from some feign mistakes 從幾個佯謬問題所引起關于電勢參考零點的討論

Indicating the reference point from which the new position is to be obtained 的一個字段,指示獲取新位置所依據的參考點。

An example of where a braking reference point is a must , is a blind corner 有一種情況下剎車點是必須的:這就是盲彎。

Provides the fields that represent reference points in streams for seeking 提供表示流中的參考點以供進行查找的字段。

From the specified reference point and moving in the specified direction 通過從指定參考點沿指定方向移動來檢索下一個

That is the reference point from which to begin the retrieval of the next item ,它是開始檢索下一項的起始參考點。

Made by reference point softwar 七把叉輸入法

A word used as a reference point for finding other words or information 參考詞對于找到其他詞或信息提供參考點的詞